Vedic Astrology
As Above, So Below
Our individual constellation of personality, path, and life experience is unique to us. By examining your personal planetary blueprint and karmic journey, your own path becomes more clear.
Vedic Astrology is traditionally called Jyotish or 'The Science of Light”. Jyotish is a spiritual science which reveals the energies you are working with, and what you came here to learn. Working with the sky in this way helps us to understand the greater cosmic mind, for as above, so below.
Personal Life Reading
This 75 minute session is a good place to start, and provides an interpretation of the planetary placements at the time of your birth, and how this influences you. We will work together to better understand who you are, the themes in your life, the timing of certain shifts and to answer any specific questions you may have. $175
Transit Reading
This 60 minute session is a way to speak directly to what is influencing you in the present or over the next year, as we look specifically at current transits and Dasha cycles. This reading is best done after having a personal life reading (recommended by required). Many people come back for transit readings every 6 months to a year to better understand and align with the present shifts and lessons. $150
Moon Reading
This 60 minute reading allows for a deeper connection with the Moon, as well as where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth and how that affects your mind, psychology and emotional experience. You will learn about your personal Moon Deity, and gain greater wisdom and understanding of the energies residing over your lunar placement. $150
Relationship Reading
This 120 minute session unfolds the synergy and compatibility within the relationship. This reading will give advice for working with the strengths and weaknesses that play out within the relationship, and how to best understand the other person’s experience. Relationship Readings can happen for any two people that are in a relationship with each other, and for readings between romantic partners, it is suggested that you have been together for more than 6 months before you come for the reading. $350
How do Vedic Astrology Sessions Work?
Your Challenges, Gifts and Blessings
It is from this higher vantage point that we gain perspective together and bring this perspective down into your waking life. I combine this ancient technology with my intuitive gifts and spiritual sight to bring a unique perspective to your chart, aligning you with a greater understanding of your life, your current circumstances and the higher planetary forces at work. We navigate through the issues and curiosities present, while also illuminating your personal gifts and blessings.
The Planets Deliver Us
The Planets within our solar system are each Divine Forces, here to deliver us our individual and collective karmas, and to help us in this process of evolution. The planets are always conspiring for the evolution of our consciousness and never intend to hurt us. When we take karmic responsibility for our lives, we can witness miracles unfold.
To Know Thyself, Deeply
Each one of us has a unique imprint upon our lives formed by the interweaving of these powerful planetary frequencies. To know how these frequencies work through our lives is to know ourselves and our karmas more fully - and this is truly the greatest gift. Vedic Astrology is ultimately a tool for self awareness and personal growth, helping us to turn our attention within, to align with the force of Life and all of Creation.
Western (Tropical) Astrology is a seasonally based zodiac. It defines the zodiac (the sky where we locate planets), based on the seasons happening on earth (which is not the same thing as the sky, obviously).
Instead of measuring where the planets are based on the stars and constellations in the sky, it uses the same constellation names (Aries, Taurus, etc.), but does not use the sky or constellations to define them. Instead, Western Astrology states that on March 21st (a calendar date), the Spring Equinox, the Sun moves into Aries. So, it conflates 2 things, the Sky and the calendar. This is confusing to a lot of people. Did you know that your Sun Sign in Western is almost certainly not that actual Sign / constellation? Most people do not know that.
Vedic Astrology measures this difference (called the Ayanamsha, the "Solstice portion") and is based on the planets positioning in front of the constellations near the ecliptic. These signs are pinned to the Nakshatras, the portions of space connected to the Vedic Deities and the "Shakti" (transcendent power of life). Vedic Astrology does not shift the living sky based on the precession of the equinoxes. It retains the integrity of the sky directly.
The precession of the equinoxes, or the Ayanamsha, equates for the Earth’s slight “wobble” on its Axis. This slight wobble means that the earth’s rotation around the Sun does not return exactly to the same point on the ecliptic of zero degrees every year. Due to the earth’s wobble, every 72 years the point of return shifts by 1 degree. As a result of this, there is currently about a 24 degree difference between the Vedic and Western calculations. Traditionally, not only did the Indian Astrologers use the Sidereal (Vedic) system, but so did the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, and Mayans because it follows the true movements and shifts in the living sky.
You can understand this yourself very easily by observing the night sky and seeing where the planets really are relative to the constellations.
Another important difference is that Vedic Astrology emphasizes the ascendant or lagna as the primary sign, and also places great importance on the placement of the Moon.